Let’s therefore consider it as one of the most common traditional and conventional systems already installed on the plant: Steam sootblowers.
And if instead we consider a new plant, in addition to the points mentioned above:

GMF provides customized acoustic cleaning systems for industries around the world from over 10 years. Our Technicians have over 20 years of experience in keeping processes clean in various types of applications, from boilers to filters, heat exchangers, SCR, etc., with a background of more than 40 years of experience in the Energy sector.

NIRAEUS® Acoustic Cleaning Systems by GMF, provide the most energy-efficient solution for removing ash and soot. A small amount of compressed network air and continuous operation with 3-4 sound cycles per hour, are sufficient to maintain high process efficiency. The energy savings are considerable, especially for thermal power plants.

NIRAEUS® systems drastically reduce the use of water in power plants. Steam is no longer needed to blow soot, so it can be used for its original purpose in Power Generation.
GMF is a member of industrial associations that deal with sustainable technologies in the energy/environmental field.

The NIRAEUS® Acoustic Cleaning System is a combination of Acoustic Units, selected from time to time for each project and application. The system removes particles from surfaces by means of sound pressure (in fact, sound is a product of the vibration of a body, generated by pressure variations). The pulses or sequences of sounds are repeated until the result required for cleaning is achieved.

The Acoustic System usually includes a Control Panel for programmed sequence control. The desired level of cleanliness is kept constant during the production program, so that the removal process remains adequate and efficient without interruption.

Hundreds of systems already benefit from NIRAEUS® Acoustic Cleaning Systems. Cost savings are the result of improved operating efficiency, no production losses, no unwanted downtime, reduced operating and maintenance costs, fuel savings.